
Our Policy

Fair and Transparent Pricing

At Abbotsford Income Tax, we have a fair and transparent pricing policy. We often hear clients complain about not being able to get a straight answer when it comes to pricing for their income taxes. Therefore, we are able to provide simple and straight pricing right on our website so you don’t have to look any further.

Personal Income Tax Prices for 2024

EFILE fees for the 2023-2024 tax season are listed below.
$50 Initial Filing Fee.
$20 per each subsequent T Slip including T4, T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4E, T4RIF, and T4RSP.
$20 per each subsequent T5 slip including T5, T5007, T5008, and T5013.
$20 per each T2202 Tuition Enrolment Certificate.
$20 per additional simple form.
$100 per T7776 Statement of Real Estate Rentals.
There may additional charges for extensive returns including but not limited to Principle Residence Exemption and Capital Gains etc. If you would like to book a consultation for COVID and benefit payments and RRSP contributions, and tax credit and deduction calculations please feel free to call us.

Business Tax Pricing

The Abbotsford Income Tax team will do its absolute best to provide the best pricing in the market. We understand how difficult it can be for clients in various industries to earn a living. It makes it more challenging to just blow a noticeable percentage trying to file your taxes at the end of your business’ fiscal period.
To best understand your pricing, you will need to book yourself into our office. Business income taxes will vary depending on the complexity of your business return.
Our ultimate goal is to get you the fairest pricing in the market to fairly earn your business. We advise our clients to make the most of their savings by calculating their income and expenses prior to booking an appointment.
Pricing for your income taxes will be based on how much paperwork our office will need to process your business. We will also guide you on how you may be able to reduce your paperwork effectively and bring down our cost allowing us to reduce your costs.

Prices may also vary depending on the following;

1. Business structure. We do corporate (T2), sole proprietorship (T2125), and partnership returns.
2. GST and PST fiscal periods depending on the frequency of filing you have chosen at the time of setting up your company.
3. Types of expenses you have.
4. Capital Cost Allowance.
5. Number of expense categories.
6. Payroll calculations.
7. Dividend calculations.
8. Various unforeseen factors.

Please note that we do not raise our prices without notice. If something comes up and a price adjustment needs to be made, we will consult with our clients prior to moving forward. Our commitment is to do our best to make things for our clients. Lastly, if you are not satisfied with your previous accountant and would like to switch for pricing reasons, we will try our best to provide you with the best pricing possible. Our commitment is to try to bring your costs down as much as reasonably possible. In many cases, we have been able to save clients thousands of dollars annually.
If you would like a price quote, please give our office a call at (604) 359-8298.


What We Offer

Personal Income Tax

Personal income taxes including estate and death returns.

Business Income Tax

Business income taxes including sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation year end filing.


GST, HST, and PST calculation, filing, and registration.


Personal income taxes including estate and death returns.

Business Registration

Business registration for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.


Payroll compliance, filing, and guidance.

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